Monday, October 29, 2012

Fraction Chart examples

Students -

You need to think what you are completing on each chart... you use the values from each Step to fill in the values for the next one, don't make this harder than it really is!  Look at the following examples as a guide and make sure you are completing these correctly.

Step 1 - Recipe 1 - repeatedly ADD the values - make sure you have the correct value in the 'How many batches for 400' - this depends on your serving size!
Step 1 - Recipe 2 - you may multiply each amount by how many batches needed, once you have learned to multiply fractions!  You may still add, but you will have a checkpoint on multiplying fractions so you must learn it.

Step 2 - You are combing ingredients from Recipe 1 and Recipe 2 - main ingredients like flour, sugar, etc. should overlap... you are getting these values from your final column in Step 1... if you have ingredients that are only in one recipe, you must include them, but you just don't have anything to add to it!

Step 3 - you are looking at ingredients LEFT over... you take all the values that you combined in Step 2 and put that under amount used... you look at the HEB sign and see what amount is included in each ingredient, and this determines how many packages you need!  You can't just go and get 50 bags of flour from HEB if you only need 2, you have to figure this out!  Here you must learn how to BORROW when subtracting fractions!

Step 4 - see if you can figure it out - you are changing the values from Recipe 1 only to now make enough for 600... you are NOT re-doing all this math, but taking your final value for 400 and thinking how that can increase to 600 by multiplying fractions... 
On Recipe 2 only, here if says you must convert it down to only make enough for 200, thus dividing fractions....

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